Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Math in Basketball Essay
When I am upset, all I crave is bacon. It seems to bring out the good in everything. The sky is brighter when I eat bacon; the grass is greener; the glass is half full. Bacon just makes everything seem alright. I feel reenergized. Alert. Happy. Bacon is my substance of choice for mood-enhancement, as it optimally raises my dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine levels with no negative effects besides a little weight gain that is easily avoided by the addition of exercise. From an evolutionary stand point, bacon is the ideal food. Back in the day, before there were nutritionists and people ate to survive, cravings were responsible for encouraging the right balance of carbs to fats to proteins as well as the consumption of all necessary vitamins and minerals. Protein, which is found primarily in meat, proved to be one of the hardest nutrients for the ancient human being to find, since they would have to hunt animals in order to obtain it. Because of its importance to the human’s diet and its difficulty to obtain, the reward system for proteins tends to be much stronger than that for any other nutrient. Carbs may result in an increased level of serotonin, but proteins release tyrosine into the blood stream which causes the release of massive amounts of dopamine, the â€Å"feel-good†neurotransmitter. Bacon also has a great fat to protein ratio. Fats are another crucial nutrient because they are effectively concentrated, stored carbs which can be converted into ATP for energy on a cellular level. Containing nine Calories of energy per gram, one gram of fat is enough to sustain an average person in an inactive, waking state for ten minutes, though it may only last me a few seconds when I am riding my horse, Kaptain. This means that the average slice of bacon can sustain the average person for about one whole hour. Maybe twenty-four slices of bacon a day is not the most healthy diet, due to its lack of carbs, vitamins, and minerals, but on a sad, dreary, rainy day, that is pretty close to what I would eat. I would probably add some eggs, pastries, orange juice, and multi-vitamins to the mix in order to have a more balanced diet, but I would definitely feel pretty comforted and happy. Just thinking about a warm, crunchy, greasy, delicious plate of bacon with a side of steaming chocolate chip pancakes is triggering my lateral hypothalamus. My pituitary gland is already telling my mouth to water, my stomach to growl and prepare digestive enzymes, and releasing the hunger hormone ghrelin. Today may not be a sad, dreary, or rainy day, but I am still craving bacon’s crunchy goodness. Luckily, I can somewhat control my bacon cravings and I have a fast metabolism, or else I’m sure my horse would be suffering from intense back problems.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Meeting Essential Care Needs Essay
Mrs Gale is a 70 year old widow and retired unskilled worker. The patient lives alone and relies on her son to provide basic care, medication and meals. Mrs Gale has a history of weight fluctuation owing to lifestyle but is currently at risk of malnutrition due to Parkinson’s disease. Mrs Gale shows signs of early dementia and suffers from poor mobility and pain caused by arthritis. Mrs Gale also has mild depression triggered by loss and has become socially isolated. All names have been changed as per the Nursing and Midwifery Council confidentiality guidelines (2008). Mrs Gale is a 70 year old widow and retired unskilled worker. The patient lives alone and relies on her son to provide basic care, medication and meals. Mrs Gale has a history of weight fluctuation owing to lifestyle but is currently at risk of malnutrition due to Parkinson’s disease. Mrs Gale shows signs of early dementia and suffers from poor mobility and pain caused by arthritis. Mrs Gale also has mild depression triggered by loss and has become socially isolated. All names have been changed as per the Nursing and Midwifery Council confidentiality guidelines (2008). Introducing the nature of essential care needs Daily activities of living such as; eating, breathing, and mobilising were seen by Roper (1976) as a method of identifying the needs of a patient. By understanding what a patient requires in order to function normally, a nurse can address what is missing and produce a care plan accordingly. The Roper, Logan and Tierney’s model of nursing identified the activities that are deemed essential and suggests that it is not important to treat all the activities at once (Roper et al. 2000). Yura & Walsh (1983) believed that it is impossible to separate a person into their needs and therefore you cannot treat one without treating the others. Newton (1991) concluded that in order to conduct a holistic approach, all factors need to be considered. Along with the essential needs there are also the physical, psychological, sociocultural, politico-economic, and environmental factors that will need consideration. Factoring these into patient care produces a person centred approach (Steinbach 2009). This means that a patient will experience care that is individually tailored to them. In order to meet the needs of Mrs Gale, the care will be assessed according to differences in her human needs, her social role, her expectations of care and her lifestyle behaviours. This is because as an older adult, Mrs Gale’s needs are different to those of younger adults and children (Copeman 1999; Yura & Walsh 1983). There will be particular focus on Mrs Gale’s nutritional needs as this is an area of concern due to her Parkinson’s and the risk of malnutrition associated with it. The involuntary shaky movements associated with Parkinson’s disease causes an increase of energy expenditure which can lead to weight loss. Other symptoms and her medication can also decrease food intake. Fortunately medication such as levodopa contains medication that minimises these side effects (Green n. d. ). Mrs Gale’s poor mobility and pain levels will also affect her ability to consume nourishment as well as the ability to prepare, serve and purchase food and drink. Roper et al. (1996 cited Bloomfield & Pegram 2012) stated that when addressing psychological needs it is important to understand that Mrs Gale’s appetite will be affected by her emotional state. Mrs Gale’s cognitive impairment may also lead to her forgetting to eat or consuming too much (Beardsley 2000). The environmental factors to consider for Mrs Gale are the layout of her home, having a suitable eating area, available food storage and how is Mrs Gale able to purchase food (Copeman1999; NICE 2006). Mrs Gale has been identified as being from a working class family; this means she has learnt behaviours which may impact on her health such as not buying suitable foods (Browne 2005). The financial costs of healthy foods, available funding, benefits and local care provisions via the social care system or local government schemes will also need deliberation (Copeman1999; Age UK 2012). Changes due to the aging process also need to be addressed. Calcium reabsorption increases especially in women after the menopause, this decreases bone density. Lean tissue decreases as fat increases with age; there is also a decline in the percentage of body water meaning that body temperature is more difficult to control. Thirst decline and decreased renal function means that older people can become dehydrated (Copeman 1999). The function of the bowel reduces, meaning that the elderly are more susceptible to indigestion and constipation. The risk of constipation is also increased with Parkinson’s disease (Parkinson’s UK 2011). The final consideration is the deterioration of the sensory system. Taste, smell, vison, pain and touch all decline meaning that food may not be as appealing (Copeman 1999). Exploration of the evidence underpinning the delivery of care In order to determine the nutritional care of Mrs Gale the nursing process will be used. Nursing was described as a problem-solving process with 4 stages termed; assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation by Yura & Walsh (1967) (cited Aggleton & Chalmers 2000). This principle is still used in clinical practice today and is considered to be best practice (Bloomfield & Pegram 2012). By carrying out an assessment nurses can identify the causes of problems that require medical involvement. Nettina (2006) described assessment as; the collection of data that will identify actual or potential health problems. This means that a health assessment is carried out to determine what care is currently required or care that will be required in the future. Assessment begins with a complete nursing history and finishes with a nursing diagnosis which is based on facts and evidence (Yura & Walsh 1983). Assessment is carried out by observing the patient as a whole and includes; making notes on the patient’s dress, expression, non-verbal cues, deformities, and absence of parts such as teeth (Yura & Walsh 1983). Data collection is done by using various assessment tools such as; measuring weight and height, calculating body mass index (BMI) and screening tools such as the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) (Copeman1999; Stratton et al. 006). The use of BMI alone has raised questions due to people falling outside of the normal range and still being healthy (McWilliams 2008). Evidence for the use of the MUST was concluded from research that was conducted by Stratton et al (2006). However, the MUST is recommended by NICE and is used regularly to identify those at risk of malnutrition (McWilliams 2008). In order to plan care effe ctively there are three phases that must be considered. The first investigates the main concerns of the practitioner and patient. Subsequently the goals of the practitioner and client are determined. Finally the required nursing interventions are recorded (Carpenito-Moyet 2006). Planning can be used to design strategies to assist the patients, for example diet plans and calorie allowance (Copeman 1999). With Mrs Gale the simplest and inexpensive intervention will be to promote a healthy diet and encourage foods with high-nutrient content (Holmes 2012). During planning, goals are determined that will lead to ultimate health and wellness (Yura & Walsh 1983). These goals are developed by open dialogue between patient and practitioner and are assigned a time scale to be completed by (Carpenito-Moyet 2006). For example Mrs Gale has poor nutritional intake as a diagnosis and a goal could be to improve this. However, if the poor nutrition is due to money, then a time scale of a few weeks would allow time to sort out benefits and buy the correct nutrition. If the poor nutrition was due to behaviour issues, then a longer time period would be assigned in order to assist with help in changing that behaviour (Carpenito-Moyet 2006). The Orem model of nursing (2001) states that the nurse must act for the patient to increase their learning and awareness of their condition. However, in order for care to be implemented effectively a nurse must have intelligence, interpersonal and technical skills (Yura & Walsh 1983). The ability to build relationships with clients and other practitioners is important to form trust and identify where a multi-disciplined approach can be used (Aggleton & Chalmers 2000). Communication plays a huge role in the implementation of care due to continued discussion and questioning with the patient. The nurse must look for verbal and non-verbal cues from the patient and continue to collect data (Aggleton & Chalmers 2000). By doing this the nurse will be able to use their clinical judgement and have an adaptive approach to care (Yura & Walsh 1983). A nurse must also be realistic and recognise their strengths and weaknesses. This will allow recognition of assistance and possible referrals to other practitioners that maybe required (Siviter 2008). This sharing of information and asking for help is part of the NMC’s code of conduct (2008). A nurse must also have the knowledge to recognise normal and abnormal human functioning and the evidenced based interventions that can be used (Brooker & Nicol 2011). The care should also be safe, have the patient’s best interests, involve the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) and the patient, and informed consent should be obtained (NMC 2008). Evaluation of achievement is conducted to see if the best action or intervention has been used. Reflection will indicate if current goals should be maintained or if new goals are required for the patient (Siviter 2008). However, the achievement of the goals can be subjective and difficult to measure. To evaluate if the goals have been achieved, listening and observation needs to be conducted and it is important to remember that non-achievement is not failure. It is possible that new more achievable goals are needed or that the current intervention is not effective for the patient (Brooker & Nicol 2011). Short term an appropriate goal will be the achievement of weight maintenance or gain and long term will be the changing of negative health related behaviours (Siviter 2008). This will be educated via referral to a dietician and via information guides such as; the Parkinson’s and Diet leaflet, designed by the Parkinson’s Disease Society (2008). Diet can also be supplemented with high energy and protein drinks such as Fresubin and are prescribed via a dietician or General Practitioner (Holmes 2012). Mrs Gale’s weight can be monitored every 4-6 weeks, if there are changes in her medication or every 3 months if stable (Green n. d. ). Mrs Gale can also be directed to age UK who can provide details of benefits, home and shopping assistance (Age UK 2012). All of Mrs Gale’s nutritional needs have been assessed, planned and evaluated. The implementation of this care will depend on the cooperation by Mrs Gale. Practitioners have to remember that patients have the right to refuse treatment. After all the evidence is presented and all questions and concerns are addressed the patient will have an informed choice (NICE 2007). Personal development plan (University of Southampton 2012) Identified areas for further development Heart: Intrinsic motivation (Developing compassionate care) On refection I believe I need to develop my communication skills, especially when dealing with older people and cognitive impairment. This will make sure my care remains person centred (Steinbach 2009). I must also develop my understanding of how and when to use the available assessment tools so that I can complete the nursing process (Yura & Walsh 1983). I must also improve my questioning techniques so that when I am faced with a client, such as Mrs Gale, I can collect all the relevant information I will need to plan her care (Aggleton & Chalmers 2000). Suggested activities and experiences that will assist in future development In order to facilitate my development I will need to nurse patients with a variety of medical and cognitive conditions; this can be achieved while on placement. This will improve my communication skills and my confidence (NMC 2008). Furthermore I need to observe nurses in a ward or community setting while they implement the most appropriate assessment tool for their patient. This can be done while on placement and by contacting the community care team and arranging to shadow a community nurse. While completing practice experience one, I was able to take part in the planning process. I will need to continue with this so that I am confident in planning essential care. Identified areas for further development Nerve: Self-belief and self-efficacy (Developing themselves and advocating for the service user or carer) To develop my self-belief and to be an advocate for my patient I will need to work on my confidence (NMC 2008). I will need confidence in applying the best nursing practice (Yura & Walsh 1983). I will need confidence in speaking up and making sure my patients receive the correct care and any available funding that they might need. If I am unable to provide this service I must have the ability to refer my patients or to ask questions so that this can be achieved. Suggested activities and experiences that will assist in future development To develop this confidence, I must work alongside mentoring staff and observe dieticians, community nurses and general practitioners. By doing this I will appreciate how other professions care for my patient. Similarly I will gain understanding of which profession I would refer my patient to for future treatment. Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team will improve my confidence and allow for questioning (NMC 2008). Identified areas for further development Brain: Critical and analytical skills (Application of appropriate theory/research to practice) In order for me to apply theory into practise, I must research the care of various conditions and begin to understand the theoretical knowledge behind that care. This process has begun with the research I have conducted on Parkinson’s disease and also on my research into the use of BMI and MUST (Eknoyan 2008; MAG 2003). I will also need to visit other areas of practice to see the nursing process being applied (NMC 2008). Suggested activities and experiences that will assist in future development I must attend any available courses, workshops and meetings that deal with patient care and conditions. While on practice experience two, I would like to attend a nutrition workshop and discover the benefit of supplementary foods and drinks available. I will arrange to work with and observe dieticians within a hospital setting and question them on transferring this knowledge to community settings.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Cadbury Is A Leading Global Confectionery Company Marketing Essay
Cadbury Is A Leading Global Confectionery Company Marketing Essay Introduction Cadbury is a leading global confectionery company with an outstanding portfolio of chocolate, gum and candy brands. The company employs around 50,000 people and has direct operations in over 60 countries, selling their products in almost every country around the world. The company creates brands people love, brands like Cadbury, Trident and Halls. The company heritage starts back in 1824 when John Cadbury opened a shop in Birmingham selling cocoa and chocolate. Since then Cadbury have expanded the business throughout the world by a program of organic and acquisition leg growth. On 7 May 2008, the separation of Cadbury confectionery and Americas Beverages business was completed creating Cadbury plc with a vision to be the world’s Biggest and Best confectionery company. Mission Statement â€Å"Cadbury means quality†this is the company promise. The company reputation is built upon quality; the company commitment to continuous improvement will ensure that the company promise is delivered. Cadbury has established itself as a company of fairness and integrity, which always attempts to operate as a socially responsible business. Value Performance Cadbury is passionate about winning. The company competes in a tough but fair way. The company is striving, hardworking and makes the most of the abilities. The company is prepared to take risks and act with speed. Quality Cadbury put quality and safety at the heart of all of the activities such as product, people, partnerships and performance. Respect Cadbury genuinely care for the business and the colleagues which like listen, understand and respond. The company is open, friendly and welcoming. The company embraces new ideas and diverse customs and cultures. Integrity Cadbury always strive to do the right thing. The company does the business with honesty; openness and being straight forward characterize the way. Responsibility Cadbury take accountability for the social, economic and environmenta l impact. In this way the company aims to make the business, partners and communities better for the future. Cadbury Business Principles are the code of conduct of the company and also take account of global and local cultural and legal standards. They confirm the company commitment to the highest standards of ethics and business conduct. The core purpose of the company is creating brands people love. The core purpose captures the spirit of what the company is trying to achieve as a business. Market Share By participant, the market is relatively fragmented, with the five largest confectionery companies accounting for around 40% of the market. There are a large number of companies which participate in the markets only a regional or local basis. Cadbury compete against multinational, regional and national companies. The graph shows that Cadbury is the second highest of the total confectionery in the market share. Halls is the largest brands in candy of Cadbury. Cadbury have number one and number two confectionery market position in 20 of the world’s 50 largest confectionery markets by retail sales value. Financial statement The graph shows the financial situation of Cadbury from 2006 to 2009. As we can see in the graph, the revenue is reached  ¿Ã‚ ¡5975 million is year 2009 which is slightly increase about 5% from year 2008. In operating income, year 2009 is the highest compare to previous year which is  ¿Ã‚ ¡507 million. Last but not least, year 2009 having 9% of the operating margin which is slightly increase from year 2008. As a conclusion, In year 2009, the performance is pretty well compare to the previous year due to there a keep increase since year 2006 to 2009.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Family Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Family Law - Essay Example The only ground for divorce is the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage which must be proven by at least one of five facts.2 Adultery is one of the five facts capable of proving that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.3 However, using adultery to substantiate that the marriage has irretrievably broken down may be problematic for two specific reasons. First, the allegation that Mr. Murdock has been engaged in several adulterous relationships in the past with the last one ending at least 8 months previously is statute barred. Pursuant to Section 2(1) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, a party is not entitled to plead adultery, if having found out about the adultery, the party seeking to rely on adultery continued to live with the other party for at least 6 months.4 Thus, if Mr. Murdock wanted to rely on your adultery with his son Stuart from several years earlier, he would be time barred since he continued to live with you for more than six months after learning of the affa ir. However, the court may disregard this fact if the adultery is such that the petitioner finds living with the respondent intolerable. Or the adultery may be pleaded as evidence of the breakdown of the marriage or as evidence that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.5 The fact that the adultery has been ongoing for a number of years and the respondent is believed to be currently conducting a sexual affair with his office manager may be sufficient for proving that the pervious adulterous relations are statute barred, are nonetheless intolerable. Even so, the alleged current adulterous relationship can constitute a second fact capable of supporting the ground of the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. The problem with pleading adultery is that the courts require proof of the adultery. The standard is based on the civil standard which requires evidence showing that on a balance of probabilities, the respondent has committed adultery. Thus, an admission of adultery by the respondent would be sufficient proof.6 At this point, Mr. Murdock has neither admitted or denied the adultery with his office manager, but simply stated that it was none of your business. He may however decide to admit to adultery since he states that he no longer wants to remain married to you. Aside from adultery, there appears to be sufficient evidence of behaviour pursuant to Section 1(2)(b) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. Section 1(2)(b) provides that the breakdown of a marriage can be proved if the court is satisfied that: The respondent behaved in such a way that the petitioner cannot reasonably be expected to live with the respondent.7 This section has been interpreted to mean that it is not so much the respondent’s behaviour that concerns the court, but the petitioner’s feelings relative to living with the behaviour.8 Thus the fact that you have suffered depression since giving birth to Jack, the first child of the marriage, suggest that you might find liv ing with the physical and verbal abuse intolerable and thus provide
Transtheoretical Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Transtheoretical Model - Essay Example Such a policy may have been commenced by advances in the classification of the equipotentiality of various explanations of client issues. Premature research proposed that a counselor's hypothetically based viewpoint in the area of alcohol and drugs about the source of a client's query were influential in creating revolution, apart from the actual satisfaction of the counselor's thinking (West, 2005). Moreover, consequent study has pointed out that the difference between the customer's faith and the analyst's message itself, rather than the accurate theoretically based substance of the message, is of major importance for client change. Researchers examined that the counselor's message itself allowed the user to observe the problem with a different angle that directed to efficient problem interpreting. In olden times, a few researchers and counselor instructors might have been more open to theoretical assimilation upon identifying a trend in practical searches that revealed comparatively small differences between therapeutic policies (Highlen & Hill, 1984). A significant peculiarity has been set between procedural eclecticism and theoretical incorporation. An eclectic strategy, exclusive of theoretical incorporation, tends to put down practitioners with a plan wanting in structure and practical trend. There is a lot to explore and perform for the structure that attains theoretical incorporation. (Prochaska, 1997) Researchers as well as theorists who proposed models that match with modern variations have documented the increasing trend in the direction of eclecticism. A methodical treatment selection was proposed in 1993 that reflects an individual's problem sternness and convolution, inspirational pain, confrontation power and handling style. The aspects that proposal drew awareness to are imperative for counselors to think about. The model may appear unclear and perplexing because the individuals have changeable measures of problems. (Gaw and Beutler, 1993) The aim of the article is to underline the role that the Transtheoretical Model of Change has played for practical eclecticism and theoretical incorporation. Another objective is to think about the intercession propositions of empirically resulting practices and phases of change. Transtheoretical Model Transtheoretical Model characterizes an experimentally derived chronological structure of general change that consists of multiple stages. This model is different from other counseling assumptions in that it was planned to present an amalgamative configuration to analysis practice. It was designed to combine various features of counseling without isolating application from theory. Transtheoretical Model also integrates a perceptive of the usual dynamic predispositions that individuals illustrate about self-change. In particular, it integrates what investigators have exposed about how a number of individuals, with problems usually seen in treatment, achieve required changes devoid of treatment (Tucker, 1995; Watson & Sher, 1998). This sort of invention of the model is imitative of the scientist-expert in that it was designed from a practically originated model of change. Transtheoretical model may be one solution to the recognized need of an incorporative and inclusive approach that various specialized people have
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 35
Management - Essay Example Firstly, companies make bigger profits when they sell their products and services using bundled pricing strategy than selling them a la carte (as individual products or services). The causal factor in such a scenario is the attraction that a bundled package evokes to the customers. A customer will be attracted to buy a package at a fair price than buying single products or services that will result to a larger expenditure. This means that many customers will be more attracted to buy a package of products or services from a company than when the products or services are sold singly. For instance, a person wishing to spend $30 dollars on a meal comprising of chips, burgers, soda and chicken will be more attracted to a company that offers the package at that price than one which sells the individual products at a higher price. This is the explanation that sees companies using the bundled pricing strategy winning more customers than the companies that sell single products. The overall re venue for the former is always substantially higher than the latter. It is also important to understand that bundled pricing strategy gives a greater satisfaction to customers than single-product sales (Smith 219). However, companies do not base their decision to use bundled pricing strategy on customer satisfaction alone. Companies always assess the level of competition on the market so that they can come up with ways to curb it and get a fair share of profits from the sale of their products and services. In this case, companies opt to use bundled pricing strategy to make sure that they trap loyal customers as well as other people into buying their products. These companies manage to reach a larger customer base since the culture of customers is predominantly retailing goods and services at a reasonable price (Smith 235). Nevertheless, a company can use this strategy to curb competition but it still the other companies in
Friday, July 26, 2019
Accounting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Accounting - Research Paper Example These systems can also differentiate between value-added and non-value added costs, offering cost accountants the chance to change them to value added costs (Jordan, 1999). In the past, accounting was done manually but now-a-days, data is entered via computers and wide area networks. No doubt, technology has changed the ways of accounting but it is still not sure whether this effect is positive or negative because it can be an asset for a business but a liability for the accounting profession. There are many advantages to the use of technology in managerial accounting. Different technology tools offer clear advantage over traditional system of accounting. For instance, these tools help through computer-integrated production, communications technology, image processing, the Internet, and expert systems. These and other various IT tools help in getting relatively varied and correct information in a regular way, but at the cost of confidentiality (Jordan, 1999). Managerial accounting is highly impacted by the sophisticated technology solutions, such as enterprise resource planning systems (ERPS). Corporate management is pro-oriented in adopting these IT solutions, although they are not fully aware of their practical outcomes in managerial accounting for corporate management. It is observed mostly that latest management accounting processes, and even the old techniques, such as annual budgeting are activated in different systems (Gradlund & Malmi, 2002). Technological tools add to the level of efficiency in the transferring of data between corporations and their various branches, offices, clients, and the accounting companies too. Communications technology employs a group of technologies to transfer data in different forms to all the entities. This specific type of technology is of great significance for big accounting firms, because of its increased communications strengths, facilitating
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Expanding a Multinational Company Research Paper - 1
Expanding a Multinational Company - Research Paper Example The revenue earned by the company in 2012 is $4.2 billion. After doing a market research on different countries the company decided to extend its operations to Singapore. Environmental Analysis An environmental scanning of the new market chosen for expansion of Network Manufacturing Company is being done using PESTEL analysis. PESTEL analysis helps to analyse the macro economic factors which are used in the environmental scanning (Lorat, 2009). Factors Analysis Political The political structure of Singapore is headed by the President at the top, who is the Head of the State. It is followed by the Prime Minister who is the Head of the Government and then the cabinet which consists of the executives who are also controlled by the President. The political structure of the country allows many foreigners to come and reside in Singapore and carry out their businesses without the fear of any political barrier. Thus the company will not face any threat from the political environment of Singa pore. Economic The Gross Domestic Product of the country in 2012 is $239.7 billion. The Gross National Income per capita is 59380 (in Euros) and the present inflation rate is 5.2 per cent (Singapore Economic Development Board, 2012). It is a well developed country and is highly successful for carrying out businesses. The country has an open business environment and is free from corruption. Therefore, the chosen company does not possess any threat from the economic scenario of the country and can carry out its business in the new market chosen freely and successfully. Social Singapore is a place of various cultures. The country possesses a strong social responsibility and allows different foreigners from all parts of the world with diversified cultures. The country is also known as a nation of many languages as the residents here speak in different languages. Thus the social environment of the country allows many outsiders to reside in the country and continue their business operatio ns. The chosen company is free from the barriers related to the social and cultural dimensions of the country. Technological The country is full of new technologies and allows many foreign investors as well as many foreign companies to continue their operations in the country under the controlled administration of the government. Environmental The environmental factors of the country support foreign investors as well as foreign businesses to start and continue their operations in the country. The country possesses a code of ethics for the businesses running there. It includes transparency; coordination among the managers, the directors and the investors and professionalism in the business. A business following these ethics will have no environmental barrier from this country. Legal The regulatory business of the country helps to encourage the businesses that are operating there. The regulatory framework of the country favours the businesses running there. The investments that are ma de by the foreign investors are supported by the law of Singapore. Entry strategy and Ownership Structure A company expanding into a new market involves a lot of risks. The company may possess several threats from the new market. Thus it is always beneficial for the company if it goes into a joint venture with an existing company in Singapore. It will reduce the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Environmental Degradation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Environmental Degradation - Essay Example The most common types of environmental degradation include pollution, soil erosion, desertification, and deforestation. Pollution can be classified into air pollution, and water pollution. These types of environmental degradation are interdependent such that the presence of one type acts as a causative agent of the other. Causes of environmental degradation can either be natural and human factors. The dilemmas experienced in environmental conservation are caused by differences in interests and the necessity for survival of some environmental destruction activities. Regardless of the numerous causes of environmental destruction across the world, governments and citizens continuously strive to ensure environmental sustainability for future generations. Causes and Impacts of Environmental degradation Environmentalists classify causes of environmental degradation into human causes and natural causes. Human causes include burning fossil fuels, industrial activities, construction of infrastructures, agriculture, oil spillage, and transport activities. Natural causes, on the other hand include natural disasters, global warming, and volcanicity. Burning fossil fuels and transport activities The current trade generation is characterized by massive transportation of people, goods, and services. Cars, heavy-duty tracks, airplanes, trains, and shipping vessels burn a lot of fossil fuels to produce energy for their motion (Gautam, 2010).
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
PERSONAL STATEMENT FOR UCAS APPLICATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
PERSONAL STATEMENT FOR UCAS APPLICATION - Essay Example My mother used to think of this as my best trait as I would always stack my toys neatly after playing with them! Generally speaking, one of the major benefits of studying statistics and mathematics as a basic degree is the variety of career paths it provides. Applications of mathematics and statistic appears in almost all areas of business, economics, science, technology, research, and wherever data is obtained for the purpose of finding information. Statistics has for long been described as the science of making conclusions in the presence of uncertainty. From what I have learned in the preliminary studies statistics and mathematical models can solve problems and analyze circumstances when seemingly there is no obvious result at hand. This amazing nature of statistics appeals me the most. It encourages me to look up more into this field of education. It is thus become my passion to pursue my forthcoming degrees in the said field. The first thought that came into my when I decided to opt for a graduate degree in mathematics and statistics was that of the Queen Mary College, University of London. The Queen Mary University, Kings College London is one of the most esteemed colleges of Britain and I dream to be an esteemed part of its privileged students. Though I am an international student, I am well versed with written and spoken English language. It is therefore no problem for me to comprehend degree courses that would be taught in English. Moreover, having done my 6 of my O’ Levels courses and one A’ Levels course I have a pretty good idea of this British mode of assessment. I have appeared in the examinations set by the mentioned boards and have obtained grades ranging from A’s to C’s. My initial attempt towards pursuing higher studies in mathematics and statistics was by going for the course of ‘Mathematics’ in A’ levels examinations. Regretfully though I obtained a C in the said course. This was much below the standards that I had set for myself. I got even more motivated by this happening and decided to pursue my studies in statistics and mathematics from its basics. In pursuance of my intention to learn mathematics and statistics from its scratch I enrolled myself in the foundation course of ‘Science and Engineering’ at the Queen Mary University. Currently I am working really hard to get the required percentage so that I can get admission into the university degree level. It is only then that I would be able to pursue studies in my desired course. Taking admission into the degree level of Queen Mary University, Kings College of London would therefore be ‘a dream come true’ for me. I plan to work hard to pursue my studies at the college and then pass out to become an established mathematician and statistical analyst. This will enable me to become a successful banker in the years to come and would also increase other chances of employment in the ever challenging corporate world of today. My happy go lucky nature enables to me intermingle with people anywhere I go. At heart I am a fun loving person who loves to dance at the beat of good music. Listening to good music is one of my favorite hobbies. I have very recently started learning guitar from one of my friends. The explorer in me enthusiastically motivates me to travel to different countries and explore new places. During the school days I have been an active participant in extra curricular activities and have taken part in various
Negotiation Situation Essay Example for Free
Negotiation Situation Essay In the negotiation of a mortgage refinance, you can run into many different types of situations that you have to be prepared for. How we interact during a negotiation can make or break an agreement. Successful use of communication tools and preparing yourself to handle personalities will contribute to the outcome. Analyzing the Roles of Communication In this situation the initial state of the negotiation was not moving forward in a positive direction. The bank was dealing with many customers with mortgages that were months behind due to the economic crash at the time. We were one of those affected; the construction boom took a turn for the worse and work slowed down. Although we kept in contact with our bank regarding our situation, they were not willing to negotiate new terms to our agreement. As a home owner you never want to get behind on your payments, so we continued to make partial payments. The bank continued to accept the partial payments, yet didn’t want to work with us to reassess our situation. â€Å"Discussion does not mean fighting and shouting, instead it is simply the exchange of one’s ideas, thoughts and opinions with each other. One needs to have excellent communication skills for a healthy and an effective discussion. (Role of Communication in Negotiation, 2012)†The bank acted with diplomacy and tactfulness. After speaking with realtors and obtaining consultations from acquaintances, we realized for the bank to take action, we had no choice but to stop paying the mortgage. We knew at that moment that it became a game of the bank vs. the homeowners. The way you communicate varies according the formality of the situation. (Key Aspects of Communication in Negotiation) By making partial payments, the bank was content with us. We were getting further behind, and incurring penalties towards our mortgage. Taking action did get the attention of the other party. The impact of the communication, made the bank realize they needed to have more meaningful conversations with us. We finally were able to alter their perceptions and expectations concerning the situation, relationship and outcome. Through many discussions with the bank, we came to an agreement to attempt to sell the house this way to avoid foreclosure and or a short-sale. The mortgage payments were frozen during this period. We knew we were treading water, since the housing market was at a virtual standstill. After exhausting conversations with the bank, we were at the point where we were going to have to walk away from the house. Our emotions at this point, were wearing thin. This process was taking months, and also taking its toll on our patience with the bank. We wanted to be responsible for our decisions, but we were being forced to make a decision that would hurt our credibility for the future. Our sincerity was our most important personality traits exhibited in this negotiation. We had to show our sincerity for an effective negotiation. We never took the situation casually. In the eleventh hour of negotiations, the bank was willing to refinance with a co-signer. Luckily, our relatives were willing to assist, and were kind enough to co-sign. The bank was very cooperative and we were moving forward in a positive way. Analyzing Personality Failures and distortions in perception, cognition, and communication are the paramount contributors to breakdowns and failures in negotiation (Lewicki−Saunders−Barry, 2005). Negotiators use information to challenge the other party’s position or desired outcomes or to undermine the effectiveness of the other’s negotiating arguments. Even in the simplest negotiation, the parties take a position and then present arguments and facts to support that position. As the homeowners, we argued to gain terms that were within our reach to be able to afford the home and avoid a foreclosure. The bank had a different set of terms, that would stretch our ability to make ends meet, and we had to stand firm with our decision to adhere to our end goal. For us, our personality in this situation varied. At times we were very cooperative, as was the bank. But at times, the bank exhibited an aggressive behavior, and made us think we only had one option to explore. The bank exhibited a power position, to intimidate and instill fear. As homeowners, we were emotionally attached to the home. We knew that we had to remove our emotions, and treat this as a business deal. That was difficult. We were able to neutralize our emotions, and handle the situation in the most professional way. Personalities in such a high-stake situation can get intense. We viewed the bank as goliath and us as David. The bank was responsive, but we found when we got upset and put them under pressure, the bank became uncomfortable and worried about damaging the relationship with us as the customer. Contributions of those Roles to the Outcome Our ability to stand our ground and be vigilant with our information upfront, aided our ability to work with the bank to come to an agreement. To reach this agreement a third party did have to enter the discussions. This third party assisted both sides in reaching a final agreement. The process was a roller coaster; it was also a learning experience for both sides. In the end, we were happy with the final terms. The bank did make some small mistakes throughout the whole process, and due to their mistakes being presenting in writing, had to honor those terms in the paperwork. We were able to avoid a 5-year ARM agreement, and were able to secure a 30 year fixed mortgage at a very low rate, due to their mismanagement of information. The point is to never quit with a bank. As long as they keep coming back with counter offers, you do the same. At some point, youll make a deal, and it might be better than you ever expected. Looking back, it is very important to remove your personal emotions from the negotiations. Emotions need to be under control on both sides to achieve a successful end. If you have ever felt like you were stuck in a burning high rise with only one way out at times, we know that if you work with the right people, your chances of success increase with every option you have. Bibliography Key Aspects of Communication in Negotiation. (n.d.). Retrieved from (2005). How to Improve Communication in Negotiation. In Lewicki−Saunders−Barry, Negotiation, Fifth Edition (p. 175). The McGraw−Hill. Role of Communication in Negotiation. (2012). Retrieved January 19, 2013, from Management Study Guide: Pave your way to Success:
Monday, July 22, 2019
Learning Team Reflection Essay Example for Free
Learning Team Reflection Essay With the advancement of technology and the rise in Internet usage amongst individual companies, businesses, and organizations, they are faced with new challenges in protecting their brand, trademark, and image from competitors (Clark, 2007). This has caused many businesses to take action in the protection of intellection property rights or IPR. For the week three assignment, the members of team A choose to discuss the case in which Premier Technologies wins intellectual property lawsuit. This paper would highlight details of the case. Doug Sayer, the owner of Premier Technologies, claimed that two of his former employees stole private information for trade secret infringement and future sabotage. The former men were members of top management at Premier Technologies. Orr and Schutte, the two men, downloaded the organizations insider information to external hard drivers, and shortly after that, left the organization to work for the competitor. According to Legal information Institute, Trade Secret is defined as the information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process that derives independent economic value or potential, from not being generally known to or readily ascertainable through appropriate means by other persons who might obtain economic value from its disclosure or use. The issue is that Orr and Schutte had an intentional plan to use the operations of Premier Technologies against them to make the organization fall into the red and sale for a price less than what the business is worth. In Bannock County, Idahos Sixth Judicial District in December 2011 ruled in favor of Premier Technologies in the lawsuit Premier Technologies v. Chadd Orr, Jeff Schutte and Petersen, Inc. Doug Sayer, also Premier Technologys president and chief operating officer, argued that Chadd Orr and Jeff Schutte was conspiring with Peterson. This made Orr and Schutte breach their fiduciary duties that they owed to Premier Technology while they were high level managers at Premier Technologies. The jury unanimously voted in favor of Premier Technologies and agreed that both Orr and Schutte violated the Idaho Trade Secret Act, and that they both had a fiduciary relationship with Premier. The jury also ruled in favor of Premier, implicating Petersen Inc. had, in fact, conspired with Orr and Schutte in breaching of their fiduciary responsibility to Premier Technologies. The ruling awarded a little over two million dollars to Premier Technologies. A $905,250 judgment was set against Schutte, while a $603,500 judgment against Orr was set for breaching their fiduciary duties. Punitive damages were awarded as such $172,000 against Schutte and $120,000 against Orr. The analysis of the case appears to be quite simple in nature. The courts decision ultimately stems from Orr and Schuttes fiduciary responsibilities that they owed to Premier during their employment with the company. The copy of protected data was not in itself the infraction, but when that information was subsequently provided to a direct competitor, an illegal activity had taken place and the two men were liable for their actions. The state laws of Idaho clearly protected Premier, and any business entity, from this form of intellectual property theft. It also awards that company money to satisfy the damages that were caused by these actions, and because of the intentional nature of the act, punitive damages were made possible as well. As there are often no formal means to protect the trade secrets that a company might have in their processes, litigation is sometimes the best option and, in this case, it certainly provided Premier with the chance to recoup their losses. As a future employee hiring procedure, it might be pertinent for Sayer to include an employee clause that gives up their right to work for a direct competitor in the future, as some highly competitive organizations do (Idaho State Journal). Through many trials and errors, laws have come to pass to protect each business from employees who wish to harm them. Orr and Schutte not only jeopardized Premier Technology’s operation, but they also jeopardized their integrity. Once they decided to work with a competitor, they stole valuable information from the Plaintiff in order to make the business fail. Their actions turned into a lawsuit that determined they breached their contract with Premier Technologies. Due to this infringement, both parties and competitor were liable for all damages incurred to Premier Technologies. For Premier Technologies to prevent this from happening again, they should determine if a clause is needed to prevent employees from working with the competitor. Reference Clark, D. (2007). EBusiness and Intellectual Property. IBB Solicitors. Retrieved from Legal Information Institute, August 2010, Trade Secret. Cornell University law school.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Marxism functionalism and feminism theories on crime
Marxism functionalism and feminism theories on crime For this sociology essay I shall be researching and comparing three social perspective theories on crime, Marxism, Functionalism, and Feminism. I will be attempting to write how the three theories compare and conflict with each other. Marxist perspective on crime Karl Heinrich Marx was born the 5th of May 1818 Trier Germany to a comfortable middle class family. A historian, social scientist, revolutionary and philosopher, Karl Marx, was and still is considered the most important socialist thinker that emerged from the 19th century. Karl Marx during his lifetime was for the most part ignored by scholars. But since his death in 1883, Marxs political, social and economic ideas quickly gained acceptance in the socialist movement. Although Karl Marx never wrote at length about crime, he did argue the laws made by the ruling class were mostly put in place to keep the working class under control. Karl Marx had the idea that most people were not even aware they were being exploited. Marxism recognises for a society to function properly, social order is necessary. They state that in all societies apart from communist societies the ruling class always gains far more than any other class. Haralambos Holborn (2004) in discussing Marxist perspectives on deviance states that: the ruling class passes laws that benefits ruling-class interests. Therefore making sure the power stays in ruling class hands so they have a constant control over lower classes. (P353). Marxists have the idea that Capitalist societies emphasise individual gain and the need to win at all costs. They feel greed explains crimes for financial gain. Marxists think the frustrations felt by dehumanising the lower classes can explain the crimes against the individual persons. They think crime in part is the creation of unequal power and inequality, and that it is a natural response to living in poverty. They feel crime is often the result of the ruling class offering the lower classes of society, demeaning work that gives little or no sense of creativity. Although Marxists agree that crime is widespread within all social classes they argue deprived criminals are given harsher sentences than wealthy criminals. Marxists are more likely to emphasise corporate and white collar crime, they note that crimes by the upper classes cost more, and have a greater economic toll on society than lower class crimes. Marxists believe laws are approved to benefit the desires of the ruling class, they say people have unequal access to the law. Powerful people with money can hire a good lawyer this can change the odds of being found guilty or not guilty. Therefore for a Marxist, punishment for a crime could depend and vary with the social status of the criminal. A man named William Chambliss was concerned in the fact of why certain things are made illegal and others are not, he also wondered who decided what issues are made law, and why the unequal distribution of wealth wasnt illegal, William Chambliss also thought the ruling class controlled this power, and it was the ruling class who prevented certain issues from ever being discussed. Dutchman Willem Adriaan Bonger 1876-1940: The 1st Marxist Criminologist wrote that all individuals in capitalist societies are infected by egoism because they are alienated from authentic social relationships with their fellow human beings, and all are thus prone to crime. He thought the root cause of crime was the capitalist mode of production and poverty was the major cause of crime, but the effects of poverty can be traced to the family structure and on parental inability to properly supervise their children. Willem Bonger supported the view that the roots of crime lay in the exploitative and alienating conditions of capitalism. The social sentiments that concerned him were altruism (an active concern for the well being of others) and egoism (a concern only for ones own selfish interests). Willem Adriaan Bonger took his own life in 1940 rather than summiting to the Nazis. Willem Bonger (1969) Criminality and Economic Conditions. In general Marxists believe the law is created by the ruling class, and only acts that grow out of working class life are defined as criminal. They state everyone breaks the law, but biased law enforcement means it is mainly the working class who get caught. Marxism is the only theory that examines the crimes of the powerful. Haralambos Holborn (2004): Marxists have been criticized in the past for thinking that a Communist system maybe the answer to eradicating crime, when in fact Switzerland, a capitalist society has a very low rate of crime. Feminists argue Marxists ignore the role of patriarchy whilst putting far too much emphasis on class inequality. (p355). Functionalism perspective on crime Haralambos Holborn (2004): Functionalists believe that deviance and crime starts with society as a whole. Functionalism looks into society for the source of crime and deviance rather than looking to the individual itself. Functionalism is frequently thought of as the exact opposite to Marxism. Functionalists give emphasis to the positive way crime can affect a social system. Functionalism stems from Emile Durkheim. He believed that crime was to be expected in all societies. (p253). Emile Durkheim was born on April the 15th, 1858 at Epinal, Vosges, in Lorraine, France. Durkheim is considered by most the father of sociology. He is credited for making sociology a science. During Durkheims lifetime he published a number of sociological studies on subjects like suicide, religion and other aspects of society as well as giving a number of lectures. Emile Durkheim (2002). Haralambos Holborn (2004): All Functionalists have the opinion that control mechanisms like courts and police are a necessity to keep crime and deviance in control and protect social order. However many functionalists argue a certain amount of deviance can have positive functions in society, they feel crime can even provide maintenance and the well being of a society. In Emile Durkheims book The Rules of Sociological Method (1938) crime is argued to be inevitable, and a normal part of social life. Emile Durkheim had the notion that crime was present throughout all types of society. He also felt the crime rate would be higher in more highly developed industrialized countries. Durkheim believed that if there was a perfect society of saints, occupied by perfect individuals, a society where no murder or robbery occurred, deviance would still be present because behaviour standards would be set that high the smallest slip would be considered a serious offence. Durkheim felt society would stagnate without deviance. (253). A man named Robert Merton produced a detailed functionalist theory to explain criminal behaviour. Merton stated that all societies set goals to attain, Merton believed that if there was a sensible chance you could reach these goals then society would function, but he felt that if these goals were unobtainable then a situation of anomie occurs (anything goes). Robert Merton stated that there are five anomic responses where individuals cannot achieve Societies goals. 1, Conformity: where individuals struggle for success through accepted channels. 2, Innovation: people will accept society has goals but will reject the socially accepted means, for example organized crime. 3, Ritualism: where people accept the socially approved way, but no longer believe they can achieve success, for example people who stick to the rules no matter what. 4, Retreatism: people who have lost sight of societies goals for example drug users. 5, Rebellion: people who have adopted new goals, and different ways to achieve them, for example revolutionaries, cults. Sociology in Focus: Paul Taylor (1997) In general Functionalists believe crime can play a positive role in society, they feel societies need to produce crime to set the limits of behaviour to show society what will, and wont be tolerated. Functionalists state the working class are more criminal because they have fewer bonds with social institutions and therefore have less to lose. They think of society as a living organism with each function like institutions, organizations, and other mechanisms working together. J.Tattersall: (2010). Functionalist theory has been criticized for ignoring the crimes of the higher social classes, for seeing crime and deviance as a product of society and social background (deterministic), and for ignoring the fact that many young people often choose to be deviant and they often grow out of this behaviour. Functionalism is the only theory that sees crime as having a positive function. Feminist perspective on crime Feminist criminology thinks that crime must be viewed from all perspectives in order to understand and obtain the most complete picture of crime. Feminists see society as male-dominated (patriarchal). Feminists see men benefiting at the womens expense. Feminists also argue that most social institutions, including the state and its policies, help to maintain womens subordinate position and the unequal gender division of labour in the family. According to the Feminist school of criminology, major theories in crime have been developed by male subjects, and they focus on male victimization. They feel that facts about crime tend to be focused on the gender of the criminal and not the crime itself. Feminism is the only theory that examines gender differences when explaining crime. Professor Frances Heidenson (1989) criticises the male dominance of sociology she feels that most academics are male, and therefore criminology reflects male views and interests, she also stated that that most traditional theorists are gender blind, and therefore fail to explain how their theories can be applied to females. J. Tattersall (2010) Haralambos and Holborn (2004): Otto Pollack (1950) claimed to have recognized certain crimes are usually committed by woman, he thought nearly all shoplifting and criminal abortions were carried out by woman, he also argued that many unreported crimes were committed by female servants. He noted many police, magistrates, and other law officials tended to be men. This could therefore make them chivalrous and lenient towards female offenders, he thought because of this woman appear in statistics less. Pollack also stated that females are particularly good at hiding their crimes because of their genetic makeup. He stated that woman learn to mislead men during sex and can use this to fake interest and sexual pleasure. (pp. 382-383). Haralambos and Holborn (2004): Pollack has been brutally criticized for some of these statements, Steven Jones (2001) points out that Pollack gives no real support that servants commit many crimes against employers, or that woman are better at hiding crimes then men. Heidensohn points out that Pollack has an unsubstantiated stereo typical image of woman and he is unwilling to point male crime to a biological predisposition to aggression and violence. (p384). Heidensohn believed that there was double standards in the justice system and that the justice system was loaded against women and not for them, she thought that the justice system is more likely to punish women when they deviate from the norms of female sexuality. It has been suggested that women are being sentenced in terms of being mothers, wives, and daughters rather than examining the seriousness of their crime. It seems that lighter sentences are given to females who meet the traditional roles, whilst women who dont fit these roles are given stronger punishments. J Tattersall (2010): (p5). Feminists can be criticised for being ideological and prejudiced, by focussing on patriarchy they ignore the fact that men are also used for domestic labour. They fail to notice women are becoming increasingly independent, and focus on gender ignoring other important social factors such as class and race. Conclusion- All three theories are structural theories they look at groups in societies rather than the individual. Marxism and Feminism are both conflict theories they see some groups as being less equal than others, functionalist theory is the only theory that sees crime in a positive nature.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Beginning Of Basketball Essay -- History Basketball
The Beginning of Basketball Have you ever had an interest in how something was invented? An interest in how your favorite activity or hobby came about? Ever since I was introduced to sports and how competitive it was, I became hooked. I enjoy playing football, basketball, and baseball. Of the three main sports that I play, basketball seems to be my favorite. It challenges endurance, speed, accuracy, agility, and strength. I feel guilty not knowing who created the game that takes up most of my free-time. It is time for me to learn about the inventor and the games past. Basketball is one of the most popular games in the United States. There are many different versions of it based on where one has grown up. In the less fortunate areas of the United States, a type of basketball originated called And 1. It is all about stunning the crowd with tricks. This form originated a league of amazing basketball players that are sponsored by And 1. And 1 is a brand of basketball accessories, and the name of a team that travel from city to city. The And 1 team takes on other teams, with the same playing styles, that think they are worthy enough of playing them. This form of basketball throws out some of the rules, such as traveling and carrying, in order to broaden up the ability to achieve tricks. Although there are different versions of the game, the original game is one of the largest played world-wide. He was born on November 6, 1861 in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, where he later attended high school. The man of average height, and weighing about one-hundred eighty pounds, lead an amazing life. His name was James Nasmith. After James graduated high school, he accomplished many incredible things. Nasmith started in 1887 with getting his phi... ...y of such accomplishments would be responsible for creating the game of basketball. It amazes me that not only did he invent basketball, he achieved getting 4 degrees, served in the military, won awards for being best rounded athlete, was a professor, a minister, a basketball coach at the University of Kentucky, a director, and a doctor. James Naismith was also "the first to introduce the use of a helmet in American football" (James Naismith). It makes me wonder if there is a man in the whole world that has ever accomplished more than the great James Naismith. Works Cited "Hall of Famers-James Naismith" Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. 2000. 27 Feb. 2007 "James Naismith." Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. 24 Feb. 2007. 27 Feb. 2007 Petersen, Mary "The Basketball Man (Dr. James A. Naismith)" Highlights for Children. November 1, 2005.27 Feb. 2007.
Michelangelo Essay -- essays research papers
Michelangelo Buonarroti is arguably one of the most inspired creators in the history of art and the most potent force in the Italian High Renaissance. As a sculptor, architect, painter, and poet, he exerted a tremendous influence on his contemporaries and on subsequent Western art in general. Michelangelo was born March 6, 1475, in the small village of Caprese near Arezzo. He lived during the Italian High Renaissance. Although he was born in Caprese, he lived in Florentine. There he created some of the most spectacular works of art ever. One in particular was the statue David. Michelangelo had a serious reason for creating this statue. He made this statue to show the people who David, the Old Testament hero who defeated Goliath, actually was. David is shown by Michelangelo as a lithe nude youth, muscular and alert, looking off into the distance as if sizing up the enemy Goliath. The fiery intensity of David’s facial expression is termed terribilità , a feature characteristic of many of Michelangelo’s figures and of his own personality. David, Michelangelo’s most famous sculpture, became the symbol of Florence and originally was place in the Piazza della Signoria in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, the Florentine town hall. With this statue, Michelangelo proved to his contemporaries that he not only surpassed all modern artists, but also the Greeks and Romans, by infusing formal beauty with powerful expressiveness and meaning. Michelangelo’s David does not make me feel a...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Hamlet †the Wise Polonius :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Hamlet – the Wise Polonius    The older gent in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet, namely Polonius, is no type character. Rather he is quite rounded and complex. This essay will explore his character.  In the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet, David Bevington presents Polonius as similar to Hamlet in various ways:  Polonius, his [Hamlet’s] seeming opposite in so many ways, is, like Hamlet, an inveterate punster. To whom else but Polonius should Hamlet direct the taunt of â€Å"Words, words, words†? The aged counselor recalls that in his youth he â€Å"suffered much extremity for love, very near this,†and he has been an actor at the university. Polonius too has advice for the players: â€Å"Seneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light.†When Hamlet jibes at â€Å"so capital a calf†enacting Julius Caesar, killed in the Capitol, he reinforces the parallel to his own playacting and anticipates the slaying of Polonius behind the arras. (4)  In â€Å"Shakespeare’s Nomenclature†Harry Levin discusses the name â€Å"Polonius’ and other names from the play:  The Latinism Polonius reminds us of the Polish question, moot throughout Hamlet, where the onomastics are polyglot. If Marcellus and Claudius are Latin, Bernardo and Horatio are Italian, and Fortinbras signifies â€Å"strong arm†not in Norwegian but French (fort-en-bras). On the other hand, the son of Polonius has a Greek godfather in Laertes, the father of Odysseus. The Scandinavian names, at least the Germanic Gertrude, stand out because they are in the minority. (79)  What’s in a name like Polonius? Polonius’ entry into the play occurs at the social get-together of the royal court. Claudius has already been crowned; Queen Gertrude is there; Hamlet is present in the black clothes of mourning. When Laertes approaches Claudius to give his farewell before returning to school, the king asks Polonius: â€Å"Have you your father's leave? What says Polonius?†And the father dutifully answers:  He hath, my lord, wrung from me my slow leave     By laboursome petition, and at last     Upon his will I seal'd my hard consent:     I do beseech you, give him leave to go. (1.2)  So right at the outset the reader/viewer respects the lord chamberlain as a very fluent spokesman of the language, and respectful of his superior, the king. Later, in Polonius’ house, Laertes is taking leave of his sister, Ophelia, and, in the process, giving her conservative advice regarding her boyfriend, Hamlet. Hamlet – the Wise Polonius :: GCSE English Literature Coursework Hamlet – the Wise Polonius    The older gent in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet, namely Polonius, is no type character. Rather he is quite rounded and complex. This essay will explore his character.  In the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet, David Bevington presents Polonius as similar to Hamlet in various ways:  Polonius, his [Hamlet’s] seeming opposite in so many ways, is, like Hamlet, an inveterate punster. To whom else but Polonius should Hamlet direct the taunt of â€Å"Words, words, words†? The aged counselor recalls that in his youth he â€Å"suffered much extremity for love, very near this,†and he has been an actor at the university. Polonius too has advice for the players: â€Å"Seneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light.†When Hamlet jibes at â€Å"so capital a calf†enacting Julius Caesar, killed in the Capitol, he reinforces the parallel to his own playacting and anticipates the slaying of Polonius behind the arras. (4)  In â€Å"Shakespeare’s Nomenclature†Harry Levin discusses the name â€Å"Polonius’ and other names from the play:  The Latinism Polonius reminds us of the Polish question, moot throughout Hamlet, where the onomastics are polyglot. If Marcellus and Claudius are Latin, Bernardo and Horatio are Italian, and Fortinbras signifies â€Å"strong arm†not in Norwegian but French (fort-en-bras). On the other hand, the son of Polonius has a Greek godfather in Laertes, the father of Odysseus. The Scandinavian names, at least the Germanic Gertrude, stand out because they are in the minority. (79)  What’s in a name like Polonius? Polonius’ entry into the play occurs at the social get-together of the royal court. Claudius has already been crowned; Queen Gertrude is there; Hamlet is present in the black clothes of mourning. When Laertes approaches Claudius to give his farewell before returning to school, the king asks Polonius: â€Å"Have you your father's leave? What says Polonius?†And the father dutifully answers:  He hath, my lord, wrung from me my slow leave     By laboursome petition, and at last     Upon his will I seal'd my hard consent:     I do beseech you, give him leave to go. (1.2)  So right at the outset the reader/viewer respects the lord chamberlain as a very fluent spokesman of the language, and respectful of his superior, the king. Later, in Polonius’ house, Laertes is taking leave of his sister, Ophelia, and, in the process, giving her conservative advice regarding her boyfriend, Hamlet.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
I would consider the sharing and downloading of songs from the Internet to be wrong when a purchase isn’t made to obtain the download. When ecommerce is circumvented and a song is downloaded from the Internet the effects are felt beyond the large music record companies. The fans of that artist, the employees that manufacture the digital media, even you as the person downloading the content will have consequences. If the demand for a product is high the price for such product does not have to be high. Thus, if I along with many others download my favorite artist’s song the consequences ripple far past the wealthy record companies.The fans willing to pay will have a higher cost because demand is not reflected accurately. The companies that develop products to create this digital media will have fewer jobs to offer/may require terminating employees. I will feel the effects because my favorite artiest may not put out music due the demand not being accurate. This is a very i nteresting topic to discuss because here there are laws that protect copyrighted material, as well as technology that solely are used to uphold these laws. In fact, it seems that the technology are the laws regarding digital media and when avoided they are broken. Once constrains on behavior are built into the technical standards governing a technology, the technical standards effectively become a new method for governing used of the technology- in essence, the technical standards become a type of law. †(Textbook) Lending a CD to a friend is ok. There isn’t infringement to copyrights, and the rights management system is not undermined when doing so. For instance manufactures decide the rules of with the digital media can be used. â€Å"In the Case of rights management systems, copyright owners determine the rules that are embedded into the technological controls.By implementing technical constraints on access to and use of digital information, a copyright owner can eff ectively supersede the rules of the intellectual property law. †(Textbook) When allowing a friend to borrow a CD the RMS is not damaged in the process. Letting a friend download, copy to an external drive, or rip to CD music is definitely wrong. It infringes on various copyright statues, as well as undermines any rights management systems that are used with my digital media. To bypass the RMS of digital media would violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and is without a doubt wrong. No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. †(Textbook) To work around the RMS of a CD and rip songs to a library and then make a copy of these songs to a blank CD violates the DMCA. Using other technology to obtain this media is also wrong. In the case Real Networks, Inc. v. Streambox, Inc. we see that to use software to copy media is another instance of DMCA violation. In this case Real Networks offered a wa y to stream music for sampling, but if a user wanted to own the copy they must purchase the song.RealServers hosted this music and would only play content on RealPlayers. This relationship between player and server was authenticated by means of â€Å"secret handshake†. Users who have met content owners preference to download media (i. e. purchased the music) could do so by a â€Å"copy switch†authentication method. Streambox VCR allow users to bypass the copy switch mechanism, which allow users to download media without the consent or preference of the copyright holder. We see with this case that if we use software to circumvent the ecommerce process we have violated the DMCA. The DMCA prohibits the manufacture, import, offer to the public, or trafficking in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof that: (3) is marketed for use in circumventing such technological protection measures. †(Textbook) Allowing this friend to download from a site is wrong as well. It violates the same DMCA standards forbidding working around RMS. Peer to peer sharing we have seen in the case A & M Records Inc, v. Napster, Inc. violates the DMCA if the holder does not grant permission to the content.To enable the act of infringing even though you yourself are not infringing does not remove liability. â€Å"Napster may be vicariously liable when it fails to affirmatively use its ability to patrol its system and preclude access to potentially infringing files listed in its search index. Napster has both the ability to use its search function to identify infringing musical recordings and the right to bar participation of users who engage in the transmission of infringing files. †(Textbook) I think that the digital copyright laws of today are reasonable.They protect the copyright holders, but there are still â€Å"free use†statues are in place that makes sampling music realistic. Today we have youtube, Pandora, and spotify ju st to name a few. If I want to sample music or even listen to my favorite genre of music I am free to. I can subscribe to a new artist on youtube and sample their music before I ever have to pay for a CD. Today technology has made it more convenient to be a consumer of media, and harder to protect your copyright for media creators. With every streaming site there is a file-sharing site.I think that it’s unfortunate that someone who worked hard to create a work of music has to deal with it being stolen, but I think there is a solution in the near future. With everything being hosted in the cloud now a days we see media outlets like itunes and spotify have huge cloud library with the ability to take a physical copy when placing it on an external device. We are seeing less and less local copies of media with the emergence of the cloud, which will make it very hard to circumvent RMS in place. So what should be the law? The laws should evolve with technology, and as of now should remain as they are.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Ethnicity and Gender in Late Childhood and Adolescense Essay
abduct This paper focuses on an content that was conducted to stress the alert(p)ness of sex and ethinic curve on with sexual practice and socialal individuation in fresh infanthood and earlier adolescence. selective information was collected on children in 4th, 6th, and eighth grades from various elementary and middle give instructions. The heathen throngs that were equal were White/European Ameri give the axe, Afri jackpot Ameri croupe, an Latino. Daily diaries and individual interviews displayed that heathen, sex, and grade direct differences affected the aware(predicate)ness of curve ( developmental Psychology, 2011).It was that proven that children in this senesce range were more(prenominal)(prenominal) aware of sexuality slash than ethinic bow. Keywords sexual practice identity, ethnic identity, preconceived idea During adolescent development a childs need to be determine ground ethnicity and/or sex drives more prevalent and is further inf luenced by their peers. In addendum, during this st days of development, social identity can have a deeper mend on inter sort attitudes. In the text, chapter 3 discusses sexual activity schemas and how they germinate from macrocosm inflexible to flexible though the development of a human being (Wade & Tavris, 2011).In the Development Psychology article, Ethnicity and sexual practice in Late puerility and too soon Adolescence Group Identity and awareness of prepossess, 2011, psychologists, Alabi, Brown, Huynh, and Masten examined the awareness of gender an identity bias and its impact on the individuals/ hosts. The hypothesis is the initiative that children can be aware of unrivaled type of bias and oblivious to the other based on their group identity. The ascertain was conducted with 350 students from trinity participating elementary schools and three middle schools in Southern California.The schools represented various ethnic/racial make-ups and socioeconomic statuses that included 67 African American, long hundred White, and 167 Latino students. Two methodologies were used during this sphere, topic turn over and naturalistic observation. The case study methodology as described by the text is the description of an individual based on their observation of behavior during a specified period (Wade & Tavris, 2011, p. 18). During the first week the case study was conducted by from each one participant receiving a diary to roll their assessment of what identity was most in-chief(postnominal) to them.The approach was referred to as identity centrality and the children authoritative an ethnicity and gender score based on the results. The second portion of this test, identified as the identity salience approach manifold students documenting whether or non they thought about gender, ethnic, or no identity at all during each period of the school day. The results of this test revealed that 51% of the children mentioned ethnicity and 63% mentioned gender. hobby this portion of the study, the students were assessed through individual interviews with the uniform ethnicity, same gender experimenter. To assess ethnic identity, the students were presented five items with opposing questions, in which they had to strike the statement that they most identified with. A similar assessment was conducted to determine the score of their gender identity. The final results of these assessments revealed that 51% of the students were aware of ethnic bias associated with ethnic identity while 49% were unaware.The relationship among bias and group identity was inflexible by eight ethnic and gender identity measures to include gender and ethinic identity, salience, centrality, gainfulness/grandness of ethnicity, contentedness with gender, matte gender ordinaryity, and felt drive to conform to gender norms. Over 38% of the students felt despotic about their ethnicity and felt content/typical with their gender. 26% percent felt that the ir ethnicity was not important and felt no pressure to conform to gender norms. 20% of the students felt that their ethnicity was not important but was discontentment with the gender norms.Finally, 9% felt that their ethnicity was positivist and important and were content with gender norms. In this study the awareness of gender and ethnic bias varied by get along with group. It comes as no surprise that children become more aware of gender bias than ethnic bias at a young age. As the text mentions, gender identity is discovered at preschool age in which the process of gender type begins. This is where boys and girls begin to get in share with their masculine and feminine characteristics (Wade & Tavris, 2011, pg. 107).Ethinic identity creates a sense of emotional attachment to the group and the individual feels the need to conform to the set set forth (Wade & Tavris, 2011, pg. 350). This study further showed that European American students were more aware of gender bias than et hnic bias. In middle school all students were every bit aware of both biases but African american and Latinos were likely to be aware of ethnic bias in elementary school. The potential cause of this stemmed from be to a negatively stereotyped group which raised the earlier awareness.This showed that European American students were less likely to be targeted for ethnic bias ( Developmental Psychology, 2011). In early adolescence girls were more aware of gender bias than boys and could attest to being targets of discrimation. Conclusion The conduction of this study proved that children in late childhood and adolescence were more aware of gender bias than ethnic bias. In addition the results showed that children who were non European-American experienced and identified with ethnic bias at an earlier age. The limitations to this study was the demographics.This study was conducted in Los Angeles which has a very unique demographic because it is essentially a break up pot of ethniciti es. The different socioeconomical factors and educational inequalities wedged the outcome of the results. Children in the poorest schools had more challenges to get hold in school than their peers in this study. These experiences shaped their ethnic identities and the biases associated with it. During late childhood an adolescence development, group identity and intergroup relations became important factors.It is judge that this age group no be the gender/ethnicity will declare or be a target of discrimination. Although licit segregation is a thing of the past, gender and ethnic bias can greatly impact society but the attitudes and beliefs of individuals can be contained through intervention. With intervention at the earlier stages of development, children can fully witness equality. Future interrogation methods inspired by this article should focus on the data collected from various offices throughout the country. memory this research generalized to one location compromise s the true validity of the study.New research methods will determine how different ethnicities recognise with gender and ethnic bias. Other areas of closeness that should be included in this study are the workforce, judicial system and media/television. palmy results of these research methods can pave the mood for some individuals to change their ideologies. These studies can impact the lives of everyday people and potentially discover solutions to discrimination. As we become a more multi cultural country, we must realize the importance of cultural awareness so that we can better interact with different ethnicities/genders.Parents should get on their to children to foster positive relationships with their peers despite cultural difference. These solutions will alleviate the stereotypes associated with gender and ethnic identity. References Brown, C. , Alabi, B. , Huynh, V. , & Masten, C.. (2011). Ethnicity and Gender in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence Group Identity and Awareness of Bias. Developmental Psychology, 47(2), 463. Retrieved May 21, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID 2321539051) Wade, C. , & Tavris, C. (2011). Invitation to Psychology, fifth Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ assimilator Hall.
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